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Selasa, 01 November 2011

PB hack v 5.4 Revisi + Penambahan Full Dewa Fitur Updates (Cheat HS + Magnet + pasbom + Mspeed + no Recoil + DKK)

fiture :
=> hack ammo
=> magneted
=> ghost mode
=> defuse & pasang bom 0 detik
=> no recoil 80% ngarah kepala
=> moving speed
=> anti vote
=> Process Exit PB
=> auto headshot

hotkey :
=> hack ammo : shift
=> magneted : f1 (On)
=> magneted : f2 (Off)
=> ghost mode : f3 (On)
=> ghost mode : f4 (Off)
=> defuse & pasang bom 0 detik : f5
=> no recoil 80% ngarah kepala : f6
=> moving speed : f7
=> anti vote : f9 (On)
=> anti vote : f10 (Off)
=> Process Exit PB : f12
=> auto headshot : home (On)
=> auto headshot : end (On)

Tutorial Poinblank Hack:
=> Buka Pb
=> Buka Cheat
=> Start Pb
=> Auto Inject
=> happy Jadi Master In the Game

tested => all windows only 10 hours..
nb => not for sale to public !

credit =>
daniels trysyah putra DKK

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