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Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

PB Hack Special v3.5 Special Hack Bot Game + FullHack + Wallhack From Grup Maho Trial 2 Hari

Fitur PB V 3.5
<<<>>>BOT Game hack(Jadi Master Game)
<<<>>>Wallhack No Detek
<<<>>>WH Chams 18 Colour CT
<<<>>>WH Chams 18 Colout TERO
<<<>>>Bayang Hack Mode
<<<>>>No Smoke Auto On
<<<>>>Exit PBTanpa basa - Basi
<<<>>>Glowing hack mode
<<<>>>Head Chams hack 9 Colour

Hotkeys :
<<<>>>Right Arrow (->) = ON
<<<>>>Left Arrow (<-) = Off <<<>>>Up&Down Arrow = Menu

Tutor :
<<<>>>Buka Pb Launcher
<<<>>>Buka Cheat/Injctnya , masukan passwordnya
<<<>>>Start Pb nya
<<<>>>Auto inject
<<<>>>haapy Bokong Killer

Credit :

Klik Disini

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